Wednesday, January 16, 2008

10 months old

Haven't been keeping up to date with all of her months, but I thought that I would just share some of the new things that have been happening in Noras life. :)
Nora started crawling in November, she has since started pulling herself up to standing with no problems at all and she will stand alone for about 3 seconds or so. She is growing so much and I can't believe that in 2 months she is going to be a YEAR! Thats like toddler! Which blows my mind! I can still remember so vividly her kicking me from the inside, I remember the anticipation of her finally coming into this world, now I would do anything to re-live the last 10 months because they have been by far the most memorable, joyful, love filled months of my life! Many many more years to come with her but I never imagined that it would go this fast!
She has become SUCH a little person in the last month and I can't believe how much she is changing in front of our eyes! Her looks are changing and her attitiude is definatley changing! She has started throwing, (in her own way) little temper tantrums, when I don't let her have her own way (Yeah it DOES happen! LOL)! She is so loving, she has learned to blow kisses and will do so when asked, she gives huggs and cuddles all the time and even when she does the littlest thing like, takes her hand when you pick her up and pats your back, it just melts your heart. She is so amazing!
Well I think that I have been sappy enough! Just wanted to share my feelings and memorable things that Nora has been doing lately!
My favorite quote for a long time has been -

- Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away -

Thanks to Nora and Daryl, in the last 5 years and more recently, the last 10 months, I have lived a lifetime of breathtaking moments already!

Just a new picture of Nora, she wasn't in a very good mood, but DAMN is she cute!!!